Hi ! We are
Svart, a band from Wilhelmshaven/Oldenburg, Germany. Here you will find
some informations about us and other useless things .

We do a mix of melodic punk/rock/hardcore, funky
and groovy things and even a little jazz. You see, we like to mix a lot
of different styles.
We've released these 2 demotapes :
- "Pamela steuert die No. 8",
4 Songs, 35 min. (8/95)
- "Svart", 7 Songs, 40 min. (12/96)
Just ask if you want to get a copy. Both are recorded with our former
guitarplayer and singer Markus, so they're not up-to-date but I'm sure we're
going to produce some new stuff soon.
sound clips :
Here's a sample of our song "out of my head" (~1 min, low quality)
from the last demo. It's more punk-rock like than the other material :
"out of my head" RealAudio
"out of my head" WAV, if you don't have
the RealAudio-PlugIn
This one is also from the last demo (~ 45 sec, low quality) :
"Altes Fossil" RealAudio
"Altes Fossil" WAV
Now it's time to make you read some lyrics. Please chose between the
four songs :
Altes Fossil
Your little cage
Everybody has a lot of, a lot of luck and money
everything is lovely and TV is so funny
it's all so enjoyable, livin' free and easy here
we have place for everyone, who loves football, chips and beer
You deserve a better live than we ever had
you deserve a house, a lovely wife, that's what my parents said
that's what all is about, what you have is what you are
your outfit is your charism, your character your car
ESCAPE - you never want to face your trouble
ESCAPE - you just want to
Take the chance and get a voyage to Hawaii
lay down in paradise, while other people die
in diseases or in war. You're a winner, you can laugh
you eat as much as you can, while children have to starve
We have all the possibilities to reach the stars
we may enter space, create a new dimension of wars
yes, we're all fashioned and that's why we won't care
for our head but for our hair
ESCAPE - you never want to face your trouble
ESCAPE - you just want to
Individualism for the masses
Do the same things everybody does and call it your style
away from reality, away for a while
or forever, or forever ? it's forever
ESCAPE - you never want to face your trouble
ESCAPE - you just want to
Look to the left when the need is on the right side,
look up in the sky when someone's dying under your feet
look to the ground when the innocent hangs over you
you will close your eyes
Altes Fossil
Gefangen in deiner Sehnsucht
gepaart mit Hoffnungslosigkeit
kein Anfang, kein Ende
verloren in dieser Zeit
Sieh aus dem Fenster
was du siehst ist in dir drin
jedes Gefühl ist nur geliehen
kein Verlust und kein Gewinn
Ohne Ziel nur die Suche nach deinem Weg
Gewagtes Spiel wenn du deinen Kopf auf die Straße legst
Fauler Deal man verkauft dir, was dir schon gehört
Altes Fossil das nur jammert und stört
Kein Anfang und kein Ende
verloren in dieser Zeit
deine Welt ist ein Klettergerüst
das dir immerzu den Abgrund zeigt
Ohne Ziel nur die Suche nach deinem Weg
Gewagtes Spiel wenn du deinen Kopf auf die Straße legst
Fauler Deal man verkauft dir, was dir schon gehört
Altes Fossil das die schöne neue Welt zerstört
Once there was a witch with an angelface
she was a drug and a healer
and I followed her honey trace
then I stucked and so sweet
so sweet, I got to feel her
we hovered like birds over
the rainbow of iceage colours
through our passion long ago a holy wind
sang us his harmony
a holy wind sang us his harmony
and now
in the end there was nothing more to say
and a price to pay
no more words in no illusion
you bite off my tongue
Your little cage
Your little cage, you never leave it
the sun has gone out, won't rise in your cage
Attention ! they're calling you but - you never leave it
the sun has gone out, won't rise in your cage
Din lilla bur, du lämnar den aldrig.
Solen har slocknat, kommer inte att stiga i din bur.
Hör upp! Dom ropar på dej men - du lämnar den aldrig.
Solen har slocknat, kommer inte att stiga i din bur.
(tack Malin *wink*)